Glee Takes On Teen Insecurity and Plastic Surgery With Help of Lady Gaga

On last night's episode of Glee, the club takes on physical insecurities, a battle most high schoolers face. When Rachel breaks her nose, her doctor suggests she gets a nose job, causing her to consider plastic surgery to fix her so-called flaw.
Just last week, we debated the value of young people getting plastic surgery to diminish insecurity and stop bullying, a practice making headlines. Many of you said it's not, because sticking it out helps you learn to love what makes you unique, hopefully with the support of friends and family. With the help of Lady Gaga's song "Born This Way" the Glee Club comes to the same conclusion. At the end of the episode, they perform the song wearing shirts plastered with the word or phrase describing the feature they're most self-conscious about. Mr. Schue's shirt reads "Butt Chin." Kurt's notes he "Likes Boys" and Mercedes touts the fact she has "No Weave."

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