China Aiming Railway Project in Makassar

China-based railway company, Tangshan Railway Vehicle Co Ltd, is willing to work on the construction of railway and train cars in Sulawesi. Tangshan is ready to cover 80 percent of the development budget.

Tangshan Railway Vehicle Vice General Manager, Zhen Dawei, said the infrastructure development will include railways and train stations, including train cars.

"We'll take around 80 percent of budget while the government will take 20 percent other," he said today.

The project will aim at improving transportation lines in Sulawesi, and is planned to be worked on by three phases.

The first phase will cover the distance of 700 km starting from Makassar, Maros, Pangkep, Barru, Parepare, Sidrap, Luwu, Malili, and Sorowako.

The second phase of 400 km will include Parepare, Pinrang, Polman, Majene, Mamuju, and North Mamuju (West Sulawesi). The third phase of 900 km will cover North Mamuju, Palu (Central Sulawesi), Gorontalo, and Manado (North Sulawesi).

"The calculation has it that the project will cover the distance of almost 2,000 km and can be completed in 10 years," he said.

Makassar Mayor, Ilham Arief Siradjuddin, responded over the will of the Chinese government. According to him, Makassar, and Sulawesi in particular, is in need of railway system.

"The railway system will enable the trip from Makassar to Parepare to be covered in around thirty minutes to an hour," said Ilham.


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