Google Wave

Google is about to release a new tool which you’ll surely love. Its the Google Wave.  Google Wave is a tool to communicate and collaborate in the web. Users can work and communicate at the same time with richly formatted text, photos, videos, maps and many more. In Google Wave you will make a wave and add people. They can instantly reply to your wave. You can also use “Playback” from which you will know how does it evolved.

What I like about it?
It has a natural language processing. Which means when you type something wrong, the tool automatically correct the word. Like the example in their YouTube video. When you will meet with your friend tomorrow, you will write “Let’s met tomorrow”. Obviously the word “met” is wrong, so the Wave will find other candidates for the word. Example is meat, meet, net and many others. After it is finished, it will find next what exactly you are talking about. In the example we can not use the word meat because it is a food while using the word met is not allowed because it is a past participle. Then the last word which is meet is the right word. So that’s what natural language processing is. Its function is not only to correct the words but also for users not to think about their mistakes instead they can just write and write and write.

We do not know exactly when will Google Wave will be available but, what they said is that the it will be open later this year. I can’t wait for this one!

To read more about their Google Wave visit their site.

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