Most Effective way to Lose Belly Fat

A tight abdomen is beneficial in that it offers protection to some vital organs such as the heart and the lungs as well as it helps us maintain good posture and balance coordination.

It is said that diet alone cannot make one lose belly fat. There is a closer relationship between stomach fat and exercises. We need to exercise for stomach fat to burn faster.

However, most of us have this question: What are some of the effective exercises that get rid of stomach fat?

Before tackling about the types of exercises to loose stomach fat, let us first find out how exercise burns fat. Exercise burns fat because it speeds up the body's metabolism thus spends up the body's demand for oxygen and calories to be burned. The body first burns the available calories then burns the fat deposits if actually needed. Thus a good stomach fat burning exercise is the one which does not only burn available calories but it should be able to burn the fat deposited in the belly.

Experts say that for exercise to be effective it would be done in 8-12 repetitions per exercise, about 2-3 times per week. As the exercises become easier, you can gradually increasing the number of repetitions.

Here are some of the most effective exercise the author has heard over the internet and the media nowadays:

1. The bicycle crunch

Nothing eats the popularity of the bicycle crunch. This exercise is sure to make you lose stomach fat in just a few weeks time. In this exercise the person lies on the floor with his lower back pressed into the floor. Then he brings both of his hands behind the head. Starting with the legs bent at a 45-degree angle, he then brings the right knee into the chest while extending the left leg out straight. At the same time, the torso is rotated so that the left elbow goes to the right knee, and then is switched so that the left elbow goes towards the right knee.

2. Reverse Crunch

In this exercise, the person lies flat on the floor with his lower back pressed into the ground. He then raises his legs into the air and bends his knees to a 90-degree angle. Keeping his legs still, he then lifts his hips up off the ground, and returns to starting position.

3. Captain's Chair

This exercise requires the use of a tall chair without a seat. The performer stabilizes his body on the chair by pressing his back against the back pad. He then places his elbows on the armrests and grips the handles. He then steps off the footrests and lets his legs hang while holding himself up. Then the knees are lifted towards the chest and are returned to starting position.

Before starting any exercises, always consult your doctor so that you can be screened for some medical conditions such as hypertension and diabetes. If you have these conditions, you have to refrain from strenuous physical activities and instead shift to light, aerobic ones. Also, tell your personal trainer if you have any back and spine problems so that they will not be aggravated by the exercises.

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